“Zaman” Food Stories

The Department of Culture and the Tourism Department are organizing five thematic events centered around the stories of flavors, from ancient times to the present day, as part of the 59th Dimitria Festival.
Five thematic live discussions, dedicated to the cuisine of Thessaloniki throughout the centuries, will take place in the historic Market “Modiano”. The “Zaman” Food Stories initiative is a journey through the unique, distinctive, and incomparable flavors of Thessaloniki. From the recipes and stories of the Byzantine past to the cosmopolitan dishes of today, from Jewish cookbooks to Armenian and refugee menus in the international catalogs of World War I.
Five afternoons filled with aromas, flavors, and history of Thessaloniki’s gastronomy. Renowned chefs, food journalists, bloggers, restaurant entrepreneurs, and academics from the city will analyze the topic, with Thessaloniki as the central axis.
The events will take place on 24/9, 1/10, 8/10, 15/10, and 22/10 at the Modiano Market and are part of the actions of the Unesco Creative Cities Network.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 (Starting time: 19:00)

“Thessaloniki, I shall never forsake you, you are my kitchen, I proclaim it with pride”. A paraphrase of the song’s lyrics “My Thessaloniki”

The award-winning Chef Ambassadors of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, with international participations both inside and outside Greece, Apostolos Altanis (executive chef of the Hyatt Regency), Sotiris Evangeliou (executive chef of the Macedonia Palace), and Dimitris Tsananas (executive chef of the Met hotel), will introduce the audience to Thessaloniki’s flavors. How do we define them? What are the signature dishes? Can we talk today about a distinct Thessaloniki gastronomic scene? The journalist Giannis Papadimitriou from the “Gastronomos” magazine of Kathimerini, examines the myth and everything that is rhapsodically written about the gastronomy of Thessaloniki, the first Greek city to join the Unesco Creative Cities of Gastronomy Network. The event will be presented and moderated by the specialized food journalist, Kostas Giantsios from Biscotto.gr. Delicious dishes will be prepared and offered by the La Chef Levi school and will be accompanied by the wines “Gorgones” of the urban vineyard of the Municipality of Thessaloniki.