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In 2015 the World’s Leaders unanimously approved the Agenda of 2030 for Sustainable Development. The Agenda is the result of the co-operation of 193 member countries of the UN, Institutions, Civilians and is an action plan for humanity and our planet, aiming to prosperity. It is also a path for a world more just, peaceful and with prosperity in a healthy planet.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals, that have been included in the Agenda support even development in the three domains: economy, society and environment. They are not just promises, but an action plan, in order to achieve a more sustainable future for the generations to come. They are also a challenge for solidarity between generations and are addressed to people of any age, civilians of small or bigger countries, in rural areas or big cities. The goal is to eliminate total poverty, fight against inequalities and take action against climate change.



How to become an active civilian


There are many and simple everyday rules, that we can adopt with more responsibility to ourselves, to others and to the environment.

Balanced nutrition and adequate water consumption are basic rules for good health for all of us. Responsible products consumption, where basic sustainability standards are kept. Offering to fellow humans being more vulnerable. Reduce food waste. Protect the environment in our community keeping sanity rules, recycling, compost, wherever it is possible.

One-on-one efforts and responsibility play major role in keeping the public space, as we want to.

How to become an active chef

Gastronomy is culture for the city of Thessaloniki and people, who form it, have a basic role on that. Keeping and developing traditions plays a crucial role in the empowerment of the towns’ gastronomic identity.

• Using local and authentic ingredients in professional kitchens
• Recycling
• Zero waste and rational waste management
• Offering to fellow humans being more vulnerable
• Reducing energy and water waste
• Space fitting in terms of sustainable management.
• Selection of the appropriate personnel and show respect to the client